söndag 10 maj 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today we celebrate Mother's Day here in the United States. And what a day! We had the opportunity to spot President Obama, his wife and their dog Bo in the White House backyard... We managed to shoot some pictures and video clips while the policemen requested the crowd to disperse. View our pictures from our wonderful day below:

The motorcycle policemen are kings in Washington - very masculine don't you think? Riding a Harley Davidson and not a horse these days...

The first lady Michelle Obama in the turqouise top and the president himself wearing a black t-shirt.

We finished our day with a cold glass of white Chardonnay at the Waterfront bar next to the Swedish Embassy "The House of Sweden".
Ella, five months old, in front of the 44th president's home. She behaved like a first lady all day loooong!

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